Monday, September 1, 2008 its natural habitat.

So this semester I am in a class called Appreciation of theater. I read my first chapter last night. I was angry, frustrated and broken. Why? Because one of the first things it stated was that Art can only be created by human hands. Now at first you think well yea...but when you think about it. What about the sunsets? Are they not a piece of art? So as I began to ponder that I continued to began to give examples such as Mountains are not art because they were not created by human hands, but an artists who paints mountains his piece is artwork. How in the world does that work? God the ULTIMATE artist gave those mountains to us, he made them, that was his original artwork, his creativity. I was so frustrated. I wanted to just put down the book and refuse to read it. But i didn't. I continued to read. It stated that art made you feel something. One of my favorite, actually my favorite part of nature is sunsets. I fall in love with God every time I see one. Watching sunsets make me feel something, I stand in awe of the creator, I stand in wonder of the piece of art in front of me. I marvel at the beauty of the sunset.

As I begin to continued reading I took down all my arguments and thoughts on the chapter. I am going to be prepared to back up my reasoning's and opinions. I have this class Tuesday night. I know this is going to be a test of my faith as I stand by my beliefs and faith. I'm scared and nervous but excited to see what God is going to do with this situation.

I challenge you today to stand in awe of God's artwork. Don't take it for granted. Find something in nature that just makes you fall in love with God every time you look at it. For me its sunsets, for you it could be mountains, birds chirping, beautiful flowers, thunderstorms, whatever it may be find it and fall before your Savior thanking him for allowing you to experience it.

"...since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:19-20

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