Sunday, June 8, 2008


It's funny how concidental God is. These past few days I've been wresting with and struggling with forgivness. How much it too much? Am I to quick to forgive? Is there such thing as too much forgivness? Jesus forgave more than anyone...isn't my forgiveness much like a molecule in comparison to His?

As I sat there wresting with these thoughts I was very torn. Jesus was the ultimate forgiver. For crying out loud he forgave every single sin of mine....oh yea and everyone elses! So how can I sit there and think I to easliy and to excessivly forgive? Well I began pondering on these thoughts as I sat down to do a Jammin-n-june lesson...Haha. The lesson is on forgivness. Good one God! So I thought hmm this really is a simple elementary question so why am I wrestling with it so much? I've still yet to come to a complete conclusion othere than that I know that Jesus forgave everyone without hesitation and my ultimate life goal is to become like Jesus and to live a life modeled after His. My challenge is to keep questioning these hard things and searching out answers....continue to model your life after Christ. Forgive like Christ Forgave.

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